Play. Learn. GROW.
Work hard, Be kind, and Amazing things Will happen
Growing Stars is a Child Centre Providing Therapeutic Services To children with Development Difficulties.

About us
We are here to providing best development services to help parents grow healthy and independent children
We at Growing stars CDC provide therapeutic services in one on one individual sessions and Group therapy sessions to help children grow with nature and overall development for a main stream school and society.

We at Growing Star provide One-on-one individual sessions and group therapy sessions to help children establish a strong foundation for learning, giving them the ability to reach their full potential.
pediatrics Developmental therapist, Ex service with sir Gangaram Hospital New Delhi,16 years of experience in child Development, Assessment of all type of Developmental issue, Neurological, Muscular and Genetic Disorders. Provide treatment of all types of Disorders.
Our Services
Age-specific support for every stage

Pediatric Occupational Therapy
The primary goal of occupational therapy to make a children independent in their daily life or enable children to participate in activities that gives meaningful and purposeful lives.

Physical Therapy For Children
When children are having problem with development of musculoskeletal or Neurological conditions like cerebral palsy, Global developmental delay, musculo distrophy,Down syndrome,rett syndrome or any kind of ortho related deformity, physical therapy can help them to improve muscle strength and endurance.

Sensory Integration Therapy
Sensory Integration therapy is a technique based on the human senses that helps children to reduce sensory imbalance or stimulate the senses for coagnitive and physical development of child.

Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is a technique work on Oral muscle strengthening and communication skills for children with speech difficulties.

Behavior Modification Therapy
This is a behaviour modification technique work on the A,B,C incident of behaviour.In this technique we work on the different behaviour and put the language through the activities to develop comunication.

Special Education
This is a Individualized Education program design for special children. This includes recognition of objects or pictures, concepts, understanding sentences, writing,fine motor skills development and fullfill syllabus of the school.

Group Therpay Session
The goal of Group Therapy Session for social skills development for childrens.

Handwriting Without tears
We are doing work on handwriting skills, pre writing skills, fine motor skills to improve handwriting of children. by the using of best and latest technologies.

Oral Replacement therapy
Providing Oral placement therapy for improving Oral muscles strength, tongue movement, sucking, swallowing, chewing to Improve eating skills and Communication also by the best tools and experts therapist.

Pre Writing Skills Development
The goal of Group Therapy Session for social skills development for childrens.
Day care
Schedule and tuition
We welcome kids into our 2-4’s program based on their birth year.
Why us
The best early learning experience
- Holistic approach
- passionate therapist
- Qualified professional
- supervision of expert to keep children safe and grow fast
Kindness might look like being helpful or showing empathy. It may mean doing nice things without expecting nice things in return
To engage children in creative activities, make sure they have access to a broad diversity of materials for drawing, building and crafting.
As children's sense of self develops, more complex emotions like shyness, surprise, elation, embarrassment, shame, guilt, pride and empathy emerge.
Innovative thinking will allow them to see opportunities, use their creative ideas and develop independent problem solving skills

We are deaing
Designed to help children realize their potential
Autism – also referred to as autism spectrum disorder ̶ constitutes a diverse group of conditions related to development of the brain. About 1 in 100 children has autism.
Learning Disorders
It can be hard to figure out that a child has a learning disorder. Some children have learning disorders for a long time before they are diagnosed. These children can have such a hard time in school that their self-esteem and drive to succeed goes down.
Cerebral Palsy
A congenital disorder affecting movement, muscle tone or posture. Cerebral palsy is due to abnormal brain development, often before birth.
Global Development Delay
when a child takes longer to reach certain development milestones than other children their age. This might include learning to walk or talk, movement skills, learning new things and interacting with others socially and emotionally.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperative Disorder)
A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. It may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships and difficulty at school or work.
Delayed Development Milestone
A developmental delay is when your child doesn't reach their developmental milestones as expected. It usually means your child is developing certain skills slower than their peers. But with early intervention and support, they'll typically catch up.
Down Syndrome
These problems can result from temporary stressors in the child's life, or they might represent more enduring disorders. The most common disruptive behaviour disorders include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Behavior Disorders
The most common disruptive behaviour disorders include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These three behavioural disorders share some common symptoms, so diagnosis can be difficult and time consuming.